Civil Servants ( PNS ) is a public officials, that often overshadowed by negative stigma , such as the performance of the laziness, like to hang out during workhours , absent, bad public service, and corruption . Supposedly as public officials, civil servants were able to give good service . If the public service is getting better, then the image of civil servants as servants of the state become better in the eyes of society. Hatta Rajasa once commented that the civil servants should be able to avoid actions that damage the image of civil servants (Liputan 6 News.com, 2013). It is expected that all civil servants could uphold the integrity of each institution. One of the factors that need to be considered that can improve a good performance is furniture layout in the office. Furniture layout is commonly referred to as one of the supporting system of work that must be considered in the office. Less spatial layout and atmosphere caused less comfortable office environment, or the work procedures would not in accordance with the needs of the company itself, so that could make employees quickly tired, became lazy, came late and lacked of concentration on job, gained time,
Hubungan Penataan Perabot Ruang Kerja Terhadap Efektivitas Kinerja PNS
14 | Volume 1 Nomor 1 Agustus 2017
wasted money on the office stationery use and become bored. To have a smooth work flow, it is necessary to arrange the office furniture layout in a good arrangement. But, is there a relationship between the office furniture layout to the effectiveness performance of the civil servants? This study uses quantitative methods to test the significance of the correlation and the data from the questionnaire. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the office furniture layout to the effectiveness performance of the civil servants. The results of this study indicate that there is a very strong and significant relationship between the office furniture layout to the effectiveness performance of the civil servants, with r = 0,911 and t = 15,1776.