The Luhak Agam house (including Pasaman) in West Sumatra has its own characteristics
that distinguished from other Minangkabau's Rumah Gadang in Luhak Tanah Datar and Luhak
Limapuluh Koto. The location of Luhak Agam is very close to the Rokan Hulu area in Riau and
South Tapanuli (Mandailing-Natal) in North Sumatra. At a glance, their traditional houses look
similar, especially in the shape of the roof. There may have been cultural sharing in this area in
ancient times. Therefore, the research tried to explore and compare their architectural characteristics.
How is the linkage of the characteristics of the house? The qualitative research method compares
and uses historical and linguistic sources to get a more comprehensive conclusion. So this research
can show the linkage between them. The results showed a process of traits and knowledge sharing
among the Austronesian cultures variations in each of their houses