The condition of tight competition between the services of the airline at the moment requires the company to create new
strategies that can be used to win the competition (Nugroho and Hidayati). According to Kotler cited by Ramadhani and
Lita, explains that the competitive advantage of companies either by differentition bid companies that will provide more
value to consumers than that bring competitors. PT Garuda Indonesia, known as Garuda Indonesia is an aviation services
company that is still stable in competition with other new airlines with continuously to defend the values and service
standards (Wardhani, 2006). The object of this research is PT Garuda Indonesia established since December 28, 1949
which is engaged in the air transportation industry. In this study, data were collected using a questionnaire with technique
of regression analysis, correlation and hypothesis testing. In this research, data were collected using a questionnaire with a
technique of regression analysis, correlation and hypothesis testing. The results obtained from the analysis of the data
showed that the overall strategy of differentiation significantly influence the competitive advantage of PT Garuda
Indonesia. From the results of tests on each variable indicates that the variable product differentiation strategy, services,
personnel and image have a positive impact on competitive advantage and strong categorized. Based on these results, PT
Garuda Indonesia should maintain and make improvements in each product line, services, personnel and image so that it
can continuously be a reliable factor in building a competitive advantage amidst intense competition between the airline so
that his work as meyedia flight service reliable.