The objective of the research is to determine relationship and impact between transformational
leadership, climate or environment organization toward job employee’s job of productivity. The
research was conducted at Koperasi Mekar Lestari region Pontianak 2015 with n = 67 from Slovin.
Data analysis using simple linear regresion, multiple linear regression, simple correlation,
and partial correlation. The research are as follows : (1) there is positive correlation and
significant between transformational leadership (X1) toward job employee of productivity (Y) with
the coefficient ry1= 0,831 and Y = 28.770 + 0.688 X1 + e, (2) there is positive correlation and
significant climate organization (X2) toward job employee of productivity (Y) with the coefficient
ry2= 0,734 and Y = Y = 36.828 + 0.777X2+ e, (3) there is positive correlation and significant
between tranformational leadership (X1) and climate or enviroment organization (X2) toward job
employee’s productivity (Y) with the coefficient ry3= 0,895 and Y = 20.977+ 0.318 X1+ 0.515 X2 + e.
Based on the result of reserch, when reviewing the relationship between tranformational
leadership and climate toward job productivity, i proposed that a climate for employee and well
being communicates to employees that are respected and appreciated. With an understanding of
how leadership plays a role within this framework, it is possible to explore how organization can
develop climates and form relationship between them. To address this point, if you have the
transformational leadership style so will be impact to job productivity. So, Job employee’s
productivity could be enhanced by increasing leadership transformational supported by good
climate organizational.